How To Make Money On TikTok In South Africa 2023

Its been decades since YouTube has been dominating the video-sharing industry, But there is a new small boy in town and that’s TikTok. So if you want to know how to make money on TikTok in South Africa well this article will provide you with satisfying information. Yes, you can earn money on TikTok by sharing your videos similar to YouTube ads revenue but with TikTok, you can earn money without posting any video or even with 0 followers.

How To Make Money On TikTok In South Africa

As more and more South African people are looking for ways to make money online, TikTok has become one of their first targets in order to make money online. But it can sometimes be frustrating starting something new without any guide or knowledge of how to really earn money on that particular platform because in TikTok there are many ways to earn money besides posting videos and getting monetized

How To Make Money On TikTok

There is a list of ways to make money on TikTok in South Africa. In this list, I have written it in a such way that it ranks from making money on TikTok as the hardest way to the easiest way.

  1. Becoming a TikTok Account Manager
  2. Growing and selling TikTok Accounts
  3. Join the TikTok creator fund.
  4. Selling Products Using TikTok Online Store
  5. Share Affiliate links
  6. Getting gifts donations
  7. TikTok share & earn program

As I have already said some of these methods of earning money on TikTok may be very hard for some individuals like me but there are also those ones that are very simple even a 5-year-old kid can be able to do and earn them self’s free money. I will not explain some of these methods in this article since they are so complicated. They need their own individual article.

Requirements To Join TikYok Creator Fund In South Africa

As of 2023 if you want to join the TikTok creator funds in South Africa you must be 18 years or older, have 10 000 Followers, and have 100 000 total video views over the past 30 days. You can get this info from your TikTok App by clicking the 3 horizontal lines on your top left conder, creator tools then analytics.


Once you meet the minimum requirements for the TikTok creator funds you will be able to apply. Then wait for the approval, and once approved you can start earning money direct from TikTok. If your application gets declined they will give you a reason e.i one of your videos go against their terms of service

They mention that if your videos are not original or impersonate other people you won’t be able to earn money from TikTok through the creator funds.

How To Receive Gifts & Donations On TikTok

There are 3 ways you can get donations or gifts on TikTok. Two of these methods are official from TikTok but the third one is by using third-party services

  • Gifts from doing TikTok live steam
  • Gifts from top-performing videos
  • Using Third-party ( PayPal Donation or Buy Me A Coffie )

As usual before getting the option to receive donations you need to first meet the requirements. To do a live video on TikTok and earn gifts you must be 18 years and have 1000 followers. To be honest most South African streamers don’t get that many donations unless they are targeting a worldwide audience

If you are targeting a South African audience you will earn around R0,00 to R100,00 of donations or gifts as of 2023 maybe there might be a change in the future

With the third-party donation, you need only 1000 followers in order to add a link to your bio directing your audience to that third-party donation portal here a guide to receive donations on PayPal

How To Earn Money On TikTok With 0 Followers & 0 Videos

In 2022 TikTok introduce the Share & Earn program. But it was not available in every country, Likey it was available to us as South African. With TikTok Share & Earn you will have the opportunity to earn free money the best thing is that you don’t need any followers nor do you need to have any videos.

I personally took advantage of this program and manage to earn myself free money. With TikTok Share & Earn you can get paid from R5 to R50 for each invite. That’s not all if the person you invited watches videos for 30 min every day for up to 13 days you will earn R1 200

We are not done yet, The person you invited will also get a free R180 for just watching TikTok videos.

How Much Does TikTok Pay In South Africa

As part of the TikTok creator fund, you can earn an estimate of R0,01 per ads view you register. Meaning if you want to earn a South African average monthly salary of R24 000, your video needs to register 24 000 000 views monthly.

What do I mean per ads view registered, well this means every time an ad play after viewing your video. which is totally unpredictable. But there are other methods that this TikTok creator uses to earn money, which I have already mentioned those methods. but The most popular one is promoting a product or brand (getting sponsored)

Here are some of the payments I got from TikTok for Promoting it (Share & Earn) best thing it pays almost every day

How Much Does TikTok Pay In South Africa

TikTok Vs YouTube Witch One Pays More

Obviously when comparing the two YouTube wins. YouTube is one of the most paying video platforms you can find. But the comparison is unfair so in order to make things even we need to compare TikTok with YouTube Shorts only

But Sadly YouTube’s short monetization will start in January 2023, So that’s when we can have more data to compare the two. But I recommend you start doing both TikTok and YouTube

How To Make Money On TikTok In South Africa Full Video


My Name Is Thabiso (deguru), A 23-year-old from (South Africa). Been earning money from surveys since 2017 before I even qualified to work. Completed my Grade 12 in 2019, and got my first job as an E-Cadre (ICT). Currently pursuing my degree in Marketing Management

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